Contributions to Indian Naval Despatch Volume 5 No. 2 [Monsoon Edition] invited. Contributions to be forwarded by 10 Aug 24

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New Edition
Volume 5. No. 1

Indian Naval Despatch

Volume 5. No. 1
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Promote knowledge, awareness and understanding of naval, defence and maritime security issues, through suitable research and education activities. Support the Indian Navy's Professional Military Education programmes, by undertaking studies, fostering critical thinking, and guiding research on the maritime strategic environment, events, issues and trends affecting maritime security, maritime technological developments, and maritime law, commerce and history, in concert with the Naval War College, Goa and other Indian Naval institutions.


To promote research and awareness in maritime domain among policy makers, strategic community, think tanks, intelligentsia, economists, educationists, security analysts, private institutions, media and general public at large and provide constructive inputs for policy formulation.

Partners and Associates

Naval War College
Naval War College